French Tarot is a free very exciting trick taking-game, very popular in France.Discover SHUA Tarot, a very exciting trick taking-game, very popular in
French Tarot is a free very exciting trick taking-game, very popular in France.
Discover SHUA Tarot, a very exciting trick taking-game, very popular in France and French speaking countries. Tarot is no way inferior to famous games like Bridge.
SHUA Tarot, the most complete Tarot game on Android, is a game in accordance with the rules published by the French Federation of Tarot (FFT) :
- High-level Artificial Intelligence
- Play at 3, 4 or 5 players.
- Numerous game modes including a training mode and several Duplicate modes
- Play Online
- Play on LAN via Wi-Fi
- Statistics
- Settings
Rules of Tarot are included.
For any question regarding French Tarot : [email protected]